I’ve got three big appearances around the Internet today! Join me, won’t you, on this journey into epic link-clicking…
1) I’m on John Scalzi’s blog, Whatever, with an essay for The Big Idea! Scalzi’s blog is read by pretty much every sf/f reader in the universe — including me and my wife — so to be part of his ongoing Big Idea series is a dream come true. Here’s a snippet:
2) I’m also featured in a Q&A on the urban fantasy/suspense/horror website My Bookish Ways! Come see me perform the ultimate blasphemy of mentioning Big Trouble in Little China and The Golden Child in the same breath!
3) I’ve got another Q&A posted on urban fantasy author Suzanne Johnson’s blog, Preternatura! Come see me talk about my love for The Chronicles of Prydain, how Clive Barker’s Books of Blood changed my life, and why it’s so hard to kill off characters!