News & Blog

Three Big Online Appearances Today

I’ve got three big appearances around the Internet today! Join me, won’t you, on this journey into epic link-clicking…

1) I’m on John Scalzi’s blog, Whatever, with an essay for The Big Idea! Scalzi’s blog is read by pretty much every sf/f reader in the universe — including me and my wife — so to be part of his ongoing Big Idea series is a dream come true. Here’s a snippet:

I think anybody would be hard pressed to argue that Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger is the best of the Ray Harryhausen Sinbad trilogy. Sure, it’s a passable and occasionally thrilling adventure, but it’s no 7th Voyage, or even Golden Voyage. (Although it does feature a post-Doctor Who Patrick Troughton, so it definitely has that in its favor!) And yet, the film’s influence on Dying Is My Business is enormous in ways I didn’t recognize until late in the process. Believe me, no one was more surprised than I was!

2) I’m also featured in a Q&A on the urban fantasy/suspense/horror website My Bookish Ways! Come see me perform the ultimate blasphemy of mentioning Big Trouble in Little China and The Golden Child in the same breath!

3) I’ve got another Q&A posted on urban fantasy author Suzanne Johnson’s blog, Preternatura! Come see me talk about my love for The Chronicles of Prydain, how Clive Barker’s Books of Blood changed my life, and why it’s so hard to kill off characters!

High Praise Indeed

“I even did some housework to postpone reading the final chapter. That is how badly I want this story to still be going on right now.”

Wow, thanks, New Adult Addiction! That’s quite a pull-quote. And the rest of your review of Dying Is My Business is pretty damn good, too!


Here is the YouTube video of me on Sword & Laser last night! (I tried embedding the video here, but alas, it was not to be.)

It was so much fun! My thanks to Veronica Belmont and Tom Merritt for having me on. They were very friendly and amazing hosts!

I was getting over a cold when this was recorded, so I hope my voice doesn’t sound too weird. That’s also why I was drinking tea. Just off camera was my other drink of the evening: off-brand Nyquil from Rite Aid!

SWORD & LASER is Tonight!

You guys, I’m going to be on Sword & Laser tonight! This is your last chance to ask questions for me. Go here and ask away! And then be sure to tune in tonight to hear my answers and watch as I generally act like a goofball!


