News & Blog

Amazing Review of DYING IS MY BUSINESS

This might be the most amazing Goodreads review of Dying Is My Business yet. It’s always nice when a reader gets what you’re doing!

Written with uncommon self-awareness, DYING IS MY BUSINESS is an urban fantasy that frequently satirizes the conventions of fantasy, noir, and horror….By acknowledging typical non-genre readers’ assumptions about his material and even poking fun at it himself, Kaufmann effectively offers himself as a reliable, entertaining tour guide to the “shadow world” of genre his novel occupies. 

Click through to read the whole thing (warning: contains very minor spoilers). It may be the most in-depth critical reading the novel has ever gotten!

Win a Nook Loaded with 20 Urban Fantasies, Including DYING IS MY BUSINESS!

Here’s your chance to win an ebook of Dying Is My Business, as well as 19 other urban fantasy novels! And a Nook Simple Touch to boot!

New York Times bestselling author Brenda Novak runs an annual online auction for diabetes research, which instantly makes her awesome in my mind. Author Mia Marshall, also awesome, has donated a Nook Simple Touch pre-loaded with 20 urban fantasy novels by the likes of Rachel Caine, Linda Grimes, and yours truly.

So how can you get your paws on it? Go here and bid! (This page also has a list of which novels are included.) It’s for a good cause, and you might just wind up with 20 awesome urban fantasy novels you’ve never read before! The auction goes until May 31st, so get in there and get bidding!

The Return of Gabriel Hunt

Guess who’s back? Back again?

New Hunt

My author’s copies of the new re-release of Hunt at World’s End, courtesy of Titan Books, arrived this weekend! (Click on the picture to embiggen.) Long-time readers know how proud I was to be part of this project, a six-volume series about two-fisted adventurer Gabriel Hunt under the stewardship of Hard Case Crime’s Charles Ardai. Each standalone novel was written by a different author, and the lineup was pretty damn impressive: James Reasoner, Ardai, Christa Faust, David J. Schow, Raymond Benson, and myself. Back in 2009, this was actually my first published novel, and my name wasn’t even on the cover! Dorchester, the original publisher, published them all with only the “house name” Gabriel Hunt on the cover. I’m delighted to see Titan Books has chosen to give the authors their full due this time around and put our names on the covers for all to see.

Shortly after the original books were published, Dorchester folded and the series remained in limbo for years, until Titan Books rescued them. I’m so happy the Gabriel Hunt novels are coming back into print. So happy, in fact, that I’m giving away a copy!

From now until May 27, the official publication date of Hunt at World’s End‘s re-release, I’m running a giveaway over at Goodreads for one signed copy of this pulse-pounding adventure that Booklist called “The very best pulp style…a must read.” Want a copy? Enter the Goodreads giveaway today!

“Hardboiled Horror” Now Online

My article for the exemplary Nightmare Magazine, “The H Word: Hardboiled Horror,” is now available to read for free on their website. Here’s a snippet:

Some of the best authors of horror and dark fantasy have been utilizing noir for decades now. William Hjortsberg’s famous novel Falling Angel dates back to 1978 (and was adapted into the movie Angel Heart in 1987). It features a hardboiled private investigator, Harry Angel, who takes on a missing person case that turns into a phantasmagoria of ritual murders, voodoo, and Satanism. Peter Straub’s novels Koko and The Throat take a number of noir tropes—murder, amateur detectives, and a colossal distrust of the supposed rules of a civilized society—and mix them with a strong dose of psychological horror.

Click on through to read the whole thing. For free, even!


