News & Blog

Quoted In an Article About Ed Brubaker’s “Fatale”

Well, folks, it looks like my dream of seeing my name in the pages of Bloody Disgusting, one of the best horror media news sites around, has finally come true. My article “Hardboiled Horror” from Nightmare Magazine issue #19 is quoted in this editorial on Ed Brubaker’s comic “Fatale.”

“Fatale” sounds right up my alley. I can’t wait to check it out. In the meantime, if you’re interested in reading my entire “Hardboiled Horror” article, it’s still available for free online at the Nightmare Magazine site.

Also, happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there! I hope you like your new ties and/or grilling equipment!

Hunt in the Wild: 2014 Edition, Part 2

Hunt in the Wild 2014 - B&N at 46th St & 5th Ave

Spotted in the New Fiction section upstairs at the Barnes & Noble on 46th Street and Fifth Avenue in NYC. Their stock is now signed, as well. Go get ’em before they disappear!

Hunt in the Wild: 2014 Edition

Hunt at Union Square B&N

This picture was taken at NYC’s Union Square Barnes & Noble yesterday, which was the official pub date of Titan’s rerelease of Hunt at World’s End. I found these copies in the New Fiction section on the first floor, and now they’re all signed by yours truly.

As you can see, Titan’s editions are credited to the authors who wrote them, not to the house name Gabriel Hunt. Needless to say, I quite like that.

Interesting trivia note: Hunt at World’s End was originally going to be called When a Laird Takes a Lady. Phew! Awkwardness avoided!

Hunt at World’s End Giveaway Results

Over 500 readers entered the Goodreads giveaway for the Titan paperback rerelease of Hunt at World’s End! And the lucky winner is:

Coreena Hessen of San Diego!

Congratulations, Coreena! You can expect your signed copy of the book to arrive in the mail next week!

Today also happens to be the official release day for Hunt at World’s End. For those of you who didn’t win the giveaway, be sure to pick up your copy at your favorite local bookstore!


