My story “The Rest Is Noise,” which was originally published in the anthology Dark Fusions (PS Publishing, 2013, ed. by Lois Gresh), is being reprinted in Nightmare Magazine this month! This is good news, because I think “The Rest Is Noise” is one of my very best stories, but Dark Fusions wasn’t read by many people. Now it has a chance to reach a much wider audience! My story will be joined by other works of fiction by Amanda Downum, G. Neri, and Lara Elena Donnelly, as well as non-fiction from Livia Llewellyn, Lisa Morton, and John Joseph Adams.
“The Rest Is Noise” will be available to read for free on the Nightmare Magazine website starting August 10th. But if you don’t want to wait, the entire issue is available right now as an e-book that can be purchased from the website for a mere $2.99. You can also subscribe to Nightmare Magazine for just $23.88 per year. It’s a cool magazine and well worth it!