News & Blog

This Is Horror Gives IN THE SHADOW OF THE AXE a Rave Review

In an early Christmas gift, the UK’s This Is Horror website gave In the Shadow of the Axe a rave review! Here’s a snippet (you can click through to read the whole thing):

Block out some time when you decide to read In The Shadow of the Axe because you’re going to have an extremely difficult time putting it down once you start. Haunting and mesmerizing…a high fear factor, some truly terrifying ghosts, and off the charts entertainment value.

Haven’t ordered your copy yet? Treat yo self for the holidays and buy it today!

New Life for “Under the Skin”


Once upon a time, back in 2012, a small publisher in Chicago called Wicker Park Press put out a comprehensive horror anthology, edited by Mort Castle, called All-American Horror of the 21st Century: The First Decade: 2000-2010, which included a reprint of my story “Under the Skin.” Then mysterious things happened behind the scenes, and suddenly Wicker Park was no longer publishing it and the book went out of print.

Now Alessandro Manzetti’s Independent Legions Press has stepped in to publish the anthology anew, along with freaky new cover art (above). I’m excited that readers will have another chance to discover “Under the Skin,” which as far as I know is the only (fictional) horror story to take place at a Passover seder!

The new edition is available now as an e-book, with paperback coming soon. Order your copy today!

Interview at Wag the Fox

Gef Fox interviewed me about In the Shadow of the Axe over at Wag the Fox. Here’s a snippet (you can click through to read the whole interview):

With IN THE SHADOW OF THE AXE, the small German mountain village of Helmburg is isolated and agrarian and lives in the shadow, at times literally, of its difficult and tragic past. Its isolation has left it steeped in tradition and superstition at a time when the rest of Europe is shedding the cloak of irrationality and progressing toward scientific reason, which makes it the perfect setting for a story that’s really about the clash between old and new generations, between the fears of the past and the desire of the present to move past them.

Also, you’ll definitely want to check out my remarkably astute answer to his question, “How have you found your progression as a writer thus far?”

Haven’t ordered a copy of In the Shadow of the Axe yet? There’s no time like the present!

From the Better Late Than Never Department

Black Gate has published a rave review of Chasing the Dragon! Here’s a snippet (you can click through to read the whole review):

A tight, focused narrative…Chasing the Dragon is unlike any other novel I’ve read, and easily one of my favorite reads of 2016. It is definitely worth checking out if you like fantasy, horror, stories about the darker side of things (cuz heroin addiction is pretty dark) and deep, unique character work.

Still haven’t read this Thriller Award-nominated and Shirley Jackson Award-nominated book? Grab a copy today!


