Posted on Nov 29, 2016 by
Once upon a time, back in 2012, a small publisher in Chicago called Wicker Park Press put out a comprehensive horror anthology, edited by Mort Castle, called All-American Horror of the 21st Century: The First Decade: 2000-2010, which included a reprint of my story “Under the Skin.” Then mysterious things happened behind the scenes, and suddenly Wicker Park was no longer publishing it and the book went out of print.
Now Alessandro Manzetti’s Independent Legions Press has stepped in to publish the anthology anew, along with freaky new cover art (above). I’m excited that readers will have another chance to discover “Under the Skin,” which as far as I know is the only (fictional) horror story to take place at a Passover seder!
The new edition is available now as an e-book, with paperback coming soon. Order your copy today!