News & Blog


Good news for everyone who has been waiting for In the Shadow of the Axe to come out in paperback: The day is finally upon us! Thanks to the good folks at Crossroad Press, Axe can now be read by e-book hating Luddites across the world! You can buy print copies from:


Barnes & Noble



Or buy it from your favorite bookseller! If it’s not on the shelf at your local bookstore, ask them to special order a copy for you. And of course the e-book is still available at all your favorite e-book outlets. Get your copy today!

CHASING THE DRAGON On Sale for $1.99!

Want to get the ebook of my Shirley Jackson Award-nominated and Thriller Award-nominated novel Chasing the Dragon for a mere $1.99? How about the ebook of any ChiZine Publications title? Well now you can, for a limited time only! Here’s how:

  1. Click this link to take you to the ChiZine Publications website.
  2. Scroll down through the list of ChiZine Publications titles.
  3. Send the titles of the book(s) you want in an email to (any book that has a “Buy the eBook” link at the bottom of its page—which is nearly everything—is fair game!).
  4. You’ll receive a PayPal invoice for the total amount.
  5. Pay it, and they will send you the book(s).
  6. If you’d prefer to pay by eTransfer, they can do that, too. Let them know in your email, and they’ll send you a PDF invoice instead.

This sale will end Wednesday, June 21st at midnight, Eastern Time, so act fast, spread the word, and get any CZP ebook you want (*cough* Chasing the Dragon *cough*) for just $1.99!

On the Shelves at Powell’s

Spotted in the wild at Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon. I’m happy to see they’re still on bookstore shelves!

Of course, I’m even happier when I see them on the shelves in people’s homes! 🙂

Reminder: Talking to the Garden State Speculative Fiction Writers THIS SATURDAY

This is a reminder that tomorrow, Saturday the 10th, at 12 noon, I will be giving a talk to the Garden State Speculative Fiction Writers called “No Way to Slow Down: Writing Fast-Paced Novels That Will Keep Readers Turning the Pages.”

Here’s the Facebook event page for it.

The 11:30 meeting of the GSSW is for members only, but my talk starts at 12 and is open to the public.  I hope you’ll join me!


