Happy October! 100 Fathoms Below comes out in 9 days! Have you ordered a copy yet?
The fine folks at Blackstone Publishing have put together a cool book trailer for 100 Fathoms Below, and our friends at Dread Central have the video’s exclusive debut!
Turn your sound on, put your earbuds in, and click here to watch it!
100 Fathoms Below hits bookstores on Tuesday, October 9th, but you can pre-order it now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite bookseller. And if you’re in the New York City area, come join me and Grady Hendrix on Thursday, October 18th for a Q&A and signing to launch 100 Fathoms Below! Here’s the info.
Library Journal will be running a rave review of 100 Fathoms Below in their September 15th issue! Here’s a taste:
“Kent (‘Rogue Clone’ series) and Kaufmann (In the Shadow of the Axe) deliver a well-developed cast of characters and a plot that keeps readers turning pages. Descriptions of life on a submarine are deftly handled and enhance the eerie atmosphere. A solid pick for readers who prefer their horror with acute tension and psychological thrills rather than intense gore.”
Don’t worry, there’s gore too! 🙂 Preorder the book now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite bookseller!
I have added a 100 Fathoms Below page to the website, which includes preorder information as well as all the blurbs and reviews it has received so far. I’m so excited for this one to come out! October 9th can’t come fast enough!