If you subscribe to Publishers Lunch or have access to Publishers Marketplace, this is probably already old news to you. But because it’s been officially announced, it means I can finally talk about it! So, here’s the news I’ve been sitting on, as it showed up on Publishers Marketplace:
August 20, 2012
Fiction: Thriller
Bram Stoker nominee Nicholas Kaufmann’s NOT DEAD YET, in which the felonious protagonist’s inability to stay dead wreaks mayhem over the five boroughs of New York, to Michael Homler at St. Martin’s, in a two-book deal, by Richard Curtis at Richard Curtis Associates (NA).
Foreign rights: Baror Agency danny@barorint.com
Needless to say, I’m absolutely thrilled! St. Martin’s Press is top notch, and just from our short email conversations I can already tell Michael Homler will be a great editor to work with. So, roughly, here is the plan. Not Dead Yet will come out in the fall of 2013. The sequel, All the Cities of the Dead, will come out in the fall of 2014. Both will be trade paperback. If those sell well enough, readers will have more novels in the series to look forward to. So let’s make sure they sell well!
More news as it develops.