Posted on Oct 10, 2013 by
NickThe launch party at WORD went very, very well last night! It was standing room only, and they sold out of copies of Dying Is My Business!
I began with a photo presentation of all the mysterious and dangerous boxes in pop culture that influenced the mysterious, dangerous box that plays such a big role in Dying Is My Business. I called it “What’s in the Box?”
Then I read Chapter One of the novel, followed by an extended Q&A session (“Where do you get your ideas?”, “What is your writing process like?”, “So what is in the box?”), and then I signed books for everyone. Most of the people there got a copy, but a few didn’t once the store ran out. I felt bad for them, but also quite pleased with the demand. I’m told some folks ordered copies from WORD, which makes me happy. WORD is awesome.
I want to thank Jenn Northington, C.J. Schmidt, and everyone at WORD for the fantastic launch. They really treat you well there! Big thanks to everyone who made it out to Greenpoint, too! You guys rock!
There a few more picture from the launch on my Flickr. Many thanks to my wife Alexa and Milda De Voe for taking pictures!
In other news, I’ve got a guest post up at SF Signal today called Some Boxes Should Never Be Opened. It covers much of the same ground as the photo presentation I gave at WORD (though without the photos this time), so if you missed it at the launch, SF Signal is the next best thing!