Necon 33 is this weekend! July is always my busiest month when it comes to conferences. As much as I like World Fantasy and World Horror, I don’t go every year. Often, they’re just too far away. But Readercon and Necon, both held in July and usually only one week apart, are must-attends for me. Luckily, they’re both nearby, too — one in the Boston area and the other near Providence. Amtrak or a Chinatown bus makes it easy enough to attend.
This will be my 13th Necon. I started going in 2000 and only missed it once since, in 2009 when I was ghostwriting two books that summer and just didn’t have the time. The programming at Necon is very different from Readercon. For one thing, there’s only a single track, not multiple tracks, which allows for a looser, more social conference experience. (And napping.) For another thing, the programming schedule is often announced only a few days before the conference — though I’ve been asked to join the programming committee, and we’re working on a new system that would allow for more advance notice so panelists can prepare properly if they want to. So anyway, this is my Necon 33 schedule:
Friday, 3 p.m.
Playing in the Other Guy’s Sandbox: Homage, Pastiche, Mythos, and Shared Worlds
C.J. Henderson, Darrell Schweitzer, John Goodrich, James A. Moore, Nicholas Kaufmann (M)
I just did a panel on this topic at Readercon with John Shirley, so I feel well prepared to moderate this one.
Friday, 8 p.m.
Meet the Authors Party
I’ll have copies of Chasing the Dragon for sale, as well as a small number of ARCs of Dying Is My Business to give out. And of course I’ll sign whatever you want me to. (Except body parts.) (Okay, body parts.)
Saturday, 9 p.m.
The Infamous Necon Roast
This year, Christopher Golden and I are co-hosting. Who’s getting roasted? I’ll never tell!
If you’re coming to Necon, I look forward to seeing you there! If you’ve never been to Necon, I highly recommend it. Consider coming sometime!