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The Scariest Part: Linda Bennett Pennell Talks About MIAMI DAYS HAVANA NIGHTS

My guest this week on The Scariest Part is Linda Bennett Pennell, whose new novel is Miami Days Havana Nights, a follow up to her novel Al Capone at the Blanche HotelLet’s hear what the scariest part was for Linda Bennett Pennell:

My fourth work of fiction, Miami Days Havana Nights, was released as an e-book through Amazon on July 18. The dual-timeline work of historical suspense and contemporary mystery features 1920’s-1960’s gangsters and a young, female history professor determined to suss out their secrets.

While there are certainly some exciting action scenes filled with tension scattered throughout both timelines, in my opinion the scariest part is something that readers might not initially consider frightening. It is not a murder or attempted murder, though several such take place over the course of the novel. It is not a natural cataclysm, though the deadly 1926 Miami hurricane blows through the early historical chapters. It is not the undertaking of a dangerous assignment that could have fatal consequences, though that type of action certainly occurs in both timelines. For me, the scariest part is something more subtle than blazing guns and howling winds.

The back cover blurb offers hints at my choice for “the scariest part”:

Sometimes our biggest debts have nothing to do with money.

1926. When seventeen-year-old Sam Ackerman witnesses a mob hit, he is hustled out of New York under the protection of Moshe Toblinsky, A.K.A., the mob’s bookkeeper. Arriving in Miami with no money, no friends, and no place to hide, Sam’s only choice is to do as the gangster demands. Forced into bootlegging, Sam’s misery is compounded when he falls in love. Amazingly, the beautiful, devout Rebecca wants only him, but he cannot give her the life she deserves. When Prohibition ends, Sam begs the mobster to set him free. The price? A debt, as Toblinsky puts it, of friendship. A debt that will one day come due.

Present Day. History of American Crime professor Liz Reams has it all — early success, a tantalizing lead on new info about Moshe Toblinsky, and a wonderful man to love. Life is perfect. So what’s keeping her from accepting her guy’s marriage proposals? Confronting a long-standing personal debt sets her on a journey of self-discovery. While she delves ever deeper into Sam’s and Toblinsky’s relationship, her understanding of her own relationships increases as well, but the revelations come at a price. The emotional and physical dangers of her dual journeys may prove too big to handle.

The idea of being indebted to a powerful gangster who controls the entirety of one’s adult life chills me to the core. It would have been a psychologically and emotionally claustrophobic way of living to never know when the debt would be called in or the nature of the repayment. For me, never knowing when the axe might fall would be an unbearable form of exquisite torture.

Miami Days Havana Nights: Amazon

Linda Bennett Pennell: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Pinterest / Newsletter Sign-up

Linda Bennett Pennell has been in love with the past for as long as she can remember. Anything with a history, whether shabby or majestic, recent or ancient, instantly draws her in. She supposes it comes from being part of a large extended family that spanned several generations. Long summer afternoons on her grandmother’s porch or winter evenings gathered around her fireplace were filled with stories both entertaining and poignant. Of course being set in the American South, those stories were also peopled by some very interesting characters, some of whom have found their way into her work.

As for her venture in writing, it has allowed her to reinvent herself. We humans are truly multifaceted creatures, but unfortunately we tend to sort and categorize each other into neat, easily understood packages that rarely reveal the whole person. Perhaps you, too, want to step out of the box in which you find yourself. She encourages you to look at the possibilities and imagine. Be filled with childlike wonder in your mental wanderings. Envision what might be, not simply what is. Let us never forget, all good fiction begins when someone says to her or himself, “Let’s pretend.”

She resides in the Houston area with one sweet husband and one adorable German Shorthaired Pointer who is quite certain she’s a little girl.

Her favorite quote regarding her professional passion: “History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up.” Voltaire


Mine!: A Comics Collection to Benefit Planned ParenthoodMine!: A Comics Collection to Benefit Planned Parenthood by Molly Jackson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A great collection of short comics in support of a great cause! Editors Joe Corallo and Molly Jackson have commissioned and assembled a striking, effective comics anthology from dozens of writers and artists, including Neil Gaiman, Dennis O’Neil, Amber Benson, Rachel Pollack, Caitlin R. Kiernan, Keith R. A. DeCandido, and many more. It’s astonishing how many good short, powerful comics are inside these pages! Because this is a fundraising anthology for Planned Parenthood, many of the comics focus on the subjects of personal choice, the need for access to health care, and religious or societal adversity, but a few move beyond to talk about how important Planned Parenthood is to the gay and trans experiences, especially in the early days when there were few other places to find a sympathetic ear and factual information about AIDS, safe sex, and transitioning.

It’s hard for me to choose a favorite among all the comics, but I have a soft spot for Stuart Moore and June Brigman’s “Captain Ginger in Unplanned Parenthood,” because it involves cat-people in a spaceship (Sergeant Mittens!) and refers to the now-extinct humans as “feeders.” That one was right up my alley. There are so many stories in this anthology that you’re sure to find one that’s right up your alley, too. Highly recommended, not just for the good cause but for the sheer, overwhelming amount of talent on display.

View all my reviews

The Terror

The TerrorThe Terror by Dan Simmons
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A masterpiece of historical fiction and supernatural horror, Dan Simmons’s THE TERROR is a novel that requires your patience. It’s long, and many passages are dense with description. It took me two months to read, but ultimately I found my patience and commitment rewarded. Life aboard HMS Terror and survival in the brutal, inhospitable landscape of the Arctic are made vividly real through Simmons’s well-researched and eloquent prose. I found the ending in particular to be superb and well worth the effort of reaching it. Like Franklin’s expedition to find the Northwest Passage, THE TERROR is a long and complicated journey, one that both frustrates and rewards, but also one that will leave you forever changed.

View all my reviews

The Scariest Part: Paul Levine Talks About BUM DEAL

My guest this week on The Scariest Part is author Paul Levine, whose new novel in the Jake Lassiter series is Bum Deal. Here is the publisher’s description:

“They don’t call us sharks for our ability to swim.” — Jake Lassiter

Second-string linebacker turned disillusioned defense attorney Jake Lassiter finally switches teams. Appointed special prosecutor in a high-profile murder case, he vows to take down a prominent surgeon accused of killing his wife. There’s just one problem…or maybe three: no evidence, no witness, and no body.

But Lassiter’s used to fighting impossible battles on the gridiron and in court. After all, he’s not totally burned-out — just a little scorched.

Standing in Lassiter’s way are the defense lawyers: slick-talking Steve Solomon and blueblood Victoria Lord, who would love to beat their old mentor in court. Not to mention the specter of CTE, the lethal brain disease Lassiter may have contracted banging heads in the NFL. Drained of his mental edge just when he needs it most, Lassiter faces the possibility of losing the case — and his life — in court.

And now, let’s hear what the scariest part was for Paul Levine:

I suffer from an ailment I call “HBR,” Hypochondria by Research. As a result, I live in fear of brain damage.

Here’s why. I’ve been reading everything I can find about Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), the vicious, degenerative brain disease that is killing former professional football players.

In Bum Deal, linebacker-turned-lawyer Jake Lassiter, my fictional hero for the last 28 years, suffers symptoms of CTE. Here’s what he says about the disease: “CTE is to the NFL what black lung is to coal mining, the inescapable industrial disease that keeps on giving, and I might be one of its victims.”

Unlike Lassiter, I didn’t play college or pro football. Sure, like teenage boys of a certain era, I played sandlot tackle football without a helmet. So I’d gotten my bell rung lots of times. And I was beaned by a baseball more than once in the days before batting helmets. Then there were several head-to-head collisions under the backboard playing varsity basketball in high school.

But let’s go back even farther in time. When I was a kid, I’d watch professional wrestling on the black-and-white Philco. In those long-gone days (circa 1960), there were a horde of colorful characters in the ring with memorable names. Abdullah the Butcher, Killer Kowalski, Dick the Bruiser, The Sheik, and of course, Gorgeous George were headliners.

My favorite was a mountain of a man — 6′ 6″ tall, 270 pounds — who called himself Bobo Brazil. (He was born “Houston Harris,” which wouldn’t have been a bad ring name, either).

Brazil’s deadly move was a vicious head butt he called the “Coco-Butt.”

“Look out! Here comes Bobo’s Coco-Butt!”

Brazil would grab his opponent around the neck and slam his own forehead into the man’s head, kr-ack! The guy would spin dizzily in circles and fall dreamily to the mat, feigning unconsciousness. We didn’t know the sport was as choreographed as “Swan Lake,” and this looked real to a twelve-year-old. Still does.

After watching wrestling on the grainy Philco, the neighborhood kids would take on the persona of their favorite wrestlers and battle in the backyard. I was Bobo Brazil, and I’d head butt my opponents until my vision darkened into a night sky filled with shooting stars, my ears ringing like the bells of Notre Dame. Did I suffer concussions? I don’t know, but we’ve since learned that sub-concussive injuries — especially in children — can lead to later brain damage.

Flash forward five decades. One of my close friends, a Miami lawyer named Don Russo, died of a degenerative brain disease. He had been a small, speedy, fearless wide receiver at the University of Miami. Running pass patterns over the middle, he’d been knocked around like a pinball by linebackers 50 pounds heavier. After short stints with the San Diego Chargers and Miami Dolphins, he went to law school and began playing rugby on an international level for the next 25 years. How many blows to the head did he take over all that time? Hundreds? Thousands? To my thinking, there was no doubt: sports killed my friend.

Doing research for Bum Deal, I was astonished at the pace of new and frightening discoveries about traumatic brain injuries suffered by athletes. The headlines alone were scary:

“I’m the Wife of a Former NFL Player. Football Destroyed His Mind.” – New York Times

“Not Safe for Children? Football’s Leaders Make Drastic Changes to Youth Game.” – New York Times

“Could Football Ever End?” – Wall Street Journal

“Playing Tackle Football Before 12 Is Tied to Brain Problems Later.” – New York Times

I read these articles and many others, including the grimmest report yet, regarding autopsies of former pro football players: “111 NFL Brains: All But One Had CTE.”

Somewhere in the process of learning more than I wanted to know about traumatic brain injuries, my ears began to ring. Okay, that’s tinnitus, nothing unusual for a man my age. And sometimes I can’t remember the name of one of my favorite actors or the title of one of my favorite movies. Or the name of an author I admire and have met numerous times. And I seem more irritable than usual, and that’s saying a lot.

“You’re simply aging,” a physician tells me. “Your brain cells are dying at a normal rate.”

Normal rate! I want to learn new things, not forget old ones.

As for Lassiter, in Bum Deal, he makes light of his situation, something a shrink might call denial or avoidance.

“Jake, when are you going to get those neurological tests?”

“Stop worrying. I’m not drain bamaged.”

My thoughts turn to Bobo Brazil. He wrestled for 42 years — until he was 68! — and made it to 73 before dying of a stroke. That’s a lot of Coco-Butts. I doubt he ever worried about gremlins eating away at his brain cells. So I’m vowing to find something else to fear. Have you read about all the mercury they’re finding in tuna?

Bum Deal: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Powell’s / IndieBound

Paul Levine: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Blog / Newsletter Sign-Up

Paul Levine is the author of the “Jake Lassiter” and “Solomon vs. Lord” novels. Bum Deal is his latest work.


