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The Naming of the Books 2018

It’s hard to believe there are only two days left in 2018! The days are speeding by, and as a result it feels like I have less and less time for reading. So which books did I read in 2018?

First, the rules: I count trade collections of comics but not individual issues. I include chapbooks, but not individual short stories from magazines, online, etc. I do not include unpublished works that I read for critique. Yes, I know this all seems arbitrary, but it’s my system. If you don’t like it, go make your own system, pal! Ahem. Anyway, let’s get to the list, presented here in the order in which I read them:

The Daily Show: An Oral History by Chris Smith
The House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson
Behind You: One-Shot Horror Stories by Brian Coldrick
All Heads Turn When the Hunt Goes By by John Farris
Other Places by Karen Heuler
Backward Masking Unmasked: Backward Satanic Messages of Rock and Roll Exposed by Jacob Aranza
Destroyer by Victor LaValle
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass and Sorcery by Kurtis J. Wiebe
Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem
Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl by Andrea Lowler
I Am Providence by Nick Mamatas
The Terror by Dan Simmons
Mine! edited by Joe Corallo and Molly Jackson
Ten Dead Comedians by Fred Van Lente
Steve Lichman, Vol. 2 by David Rapoza and Daniel Warren
The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay
A Natural History of Hell by Jeffrey Ford
After Pie by Stefan Petrucha
We Sold Our Souls by Grady Hendrix
Pet Sematary by Stephen King
The Bone Mother by David Demchuk
The Con Artist by Fred Van Lente
Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones

That’s 23 books for the year, a little shy of my annual goal of 30. Although, in my defense, The Terror is an extremely long novel that took something like two months for me to read in its entirety!

The breakdown:
13 novels
5 graphic novels/comics trade collections
2 story collections
2 works of non-fiction (although Backward Masking Unmasked is so ridiculous it could easily be called fiction)
1 novella

There you go, those are the books I read in 2018! Here’s wishing you and yours a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year, and lots more books in 2019!


MongrelsMongrels by Stephen Graham Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

We all know about werewolves from the movies, but in this lively, poignant powerhouse of a novel, Stephen Graham Jones gives us a glimpse of what they might be like if they existed in the real world. It’s hard for me to find the right words to properly describe how much I love MONGRELS. So much more than a werewolf novel, it’s a peek into a subculture that is at once both recognizably human and exotically supernatural. Our young narrator wants very much to be a werewolf like his aunt, uncle, and grandfather, but so much of the novel is about all the dumb, mundane things that can go wrong for werewolves that you can’t help but feel sympathy for them. (Some of the best parts of the novel have to do with the new rules Jones invents for werewolves, which lends the well-worn trope an air of freshness and, at times, added piquancy.)

The prose is exquisite. Each chapter reads almost like a perfect short story. The characters are so well drawn and relatable that you feel like you know them as soon as you’re introduced; like you’re part of the narrator’s family, moving with them from state to state, never staying long enough to put down roots because that’s the way it is for werewolves. Well worthy of all its award nominations, MONGRELS is truly one of the best novels I’ve read. It’s a genuine masterpiece.

View all my reviews

The Scariest Part: Ellen Butler Talks About FATAL LEGISLATION

This week on The Scariest Part, my guest is Ellen Butler, whose new novel is Fatal LegislationHere is the publisher’s description:

Lawmaking can be a murderous affair.

If any day calls for a soothing glass of wine, it’s today.

One moment, Capitol Hill lobbyist Karina Cardinal is having a heated discussion with Senator Harper, who just torpedoed her latest health care legislation initiative. The next, after a cryptic remark, the senator is dead at her feet. Hours later, she’s still so rattled she wakes to a freezing apartment because she forgot to close her back door. Or did she?

When her boyfriend, FBI cybercrimes expert Mike Finnegan, is suddenly reassigned to work a new case, he’s got bad news and worse news. The bad: the senator’s death was no heart attack — it was assassination by a hacker disabling his pacemaker. Worse: Karina’s a “person of interest.”

Certain that status could change to “suspect” at any moment, Karina begins her own back-channel investigation into who could have wanted the senator dead. Of course, in Washington, that means playing politics and following the money trail. A trail that leads to more murders…and possibly leaving the door open for a killer to change her status to “dead.”

And now, let’s hear what the scariest part was for Ellen Butler:

Often when we think of scary things — especially when we’re talking mystery/thrillers — we expect serial killers that gruesomely torture their victims, or a psycho who kidnaps a child, or a radical religious faction getting ahold of a weapon of mass destruction that threatens the lives of millions. Well, in Fatal Legislation, the scariest part is much sneakier and more sinister due to manner in which it subtly affects not only the victims in the book, but also the way in which it can affect every American who is electronically plugged in to society. Spoiler Alert: Fatal Legislation begins with the death of a senator. We soon find out that what seems like your run-of-the-mill heart attack is, instead, a targeted murder, using the senator’s own pacemaker to kill him. Yes, you read correctly, someone hacks the senator’s pacemaker and speeds it up so fast the blood can’t pump properly through his body, and boom — dead senator.

Science fiction! You might cry. If only that were true. The idea to kill off someone in this manner for one of my Karina Cardinal Mysteries came from a recall ad that ran on television the summer of 2016. That wasn’t the first or last recall notice for pacemakers. According to CNET, in May of 2018, “Abbott (formerly St. Jude Medical) is recalling some 350,000 implantable defibrillators to help protect patients from any spy-movie style assassination attempts or other issues.”I reached out to a cybersecurity specialist to find out more about this phenomenon, and the answer I got was very unsettling. He basically said, “Anything with firmware can be hacked.” To counteract this, Abbott and other companies with pacemakers vulnerable to hacks have created firmware updates to forestall such a hack. Unfortunately, the fix is only good until another hacker finds a different weakness.

I’m sure you’re thinking, “I don’t have a pacemaker, so I’m safe.” Maybe you’re right. However, you might be vulnerable in a different manner — one that affects your right to privacy. Do you have a smart phone? Smart TV, smart refrigerator, maybe a smart HVAC system with a temperature that can be adjusted from afar. One of these items in your house may already have been hacked and been used for a nefarious purpose without your knowledge. Here’s a “for instance” that was explained to me, and the reason I’m not allowed to hook our smart appliances up to our wi-fi. Hackers that attack important systems and high visibility websites — such as government or financial institutions — will do something in the biz called D-DoS or a denial of service attack. Basically, making the site unavailable to users temporarily or indefinitely. In order to do this, a hacker will flood the intended victim’s server with a ridiculous amount of incoming traffic so legitimate users can’t get in. A hacker may have hacked your smart TV, or dishwasher, and is utilizing it to help with this D-DoS attack. . . and you’d never know it. These smart appliances are particularly vulnerable, because most manufacturers don’t continually renew the patches to keep out these types of hacks. If you have a computer or phone, you’ll notice the apps and software are being constantly updated. Not so with your fancy new air-conditioner.

Here’s another example of the insidious every day intrusion into your life. Perhaps you’re best friends with SIRI or an Alexa. Have you noticed that after talking about going on a trip to Bermuda with your friend, you suddenly start noticing ads for Bermuda hotels and travel packages popping up in your Facebook feed or Google search. Even better, did you hear about the couple in Oregon, who were debating which hardwood floors to put into their home? According to The Washington Post, the couple’s Amazon Echo recorded their private conversation and sent it to a person in their contacts list in Seattle. Daniel Kahn Gillmor, a staff technologist for the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy and Technology Project, said that the intuitive nature of connected devices can mask their complexity and the possibility of malfunction. “The Amazon Echo, despite being small, is a computer — it’s a computer with microphones, speakers, and it’s connected to the network,” he said. “These are potential surveillance devices, and we have invited them further and further into our lives without examining how that could go wrong.”

We have welcomed these devices into our homes, purses and pockets. Yet, by doing so, we have made ourselves more vulnerable to cyber attacks and surveillance. The question is no longer if you’ll be hacked, it’s when. And what the fall out will be when you are.

Fatal Legislation: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Kobo / iBooks

Ellen Butler: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Goodreads

Ellen Butler is a bestselling author writing critically acclaimed suspense and award-winning historical fiction. Her experiences working at a medical association in Washington, D.C. inspired the Karina Cardinal series. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, and the Office of Strategic Services Society.

Awards Eligibility 2018

This is my awards eligibility list for 2018!

“The Fire and the Stag,” Black Static 63, May 2018, 7,300 words
“The Fifth Horseman,” Black Static 66, November 2018, 11,800 words

100 Fathoms Below, Steven L. Kent and Nicholas Kaufmann, Blackstone Publishing, October 9th, 2018

And here are some books I read in 2018 that I think are worthy of awards attention:
The Sky Is Yours, Chandler Klang Smith (novel, science fiction)
The Cabin at the End of the World, Paul Tremblay (novel, horror)
After Pie, Stefan Petrucha (novella, science fiction)
We Sold Our Souls, Grady Hendrix (novel, horror)
The Con Artist, Fred Van Lente (novel, mystery)

Thanks for your consideration!


