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Harrow County, Vol. 3: Snake Doctor

Harrow County, Vol. 3: Snake DoctorHarrow County, Vol. 3: Snake Doctor by Cullen Bunn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The third volume of Cullen Bunn’s exceptional HARROW COUNTY series takes a break from the main plot of Emmy’s struggle to come to terms with her legacy in order to follow some side characters. The first issue in this collection focuses on a solo adventure by the haint known as the Skinless Boy, in which he learns a hard truth about himself thanks to the intervention of a mysterious stranger. The second and third issues are an adventure starring Emmy’s good friend Bernice, who discovers there’s more than one witch in Harrow County. The last issue returns the spotlight to Emmy as she investigates a haunted house on the outskirts of town and unearths unpleasant echoes of the past.

HARROW COUNTY has always been a character-driven story, but this volume drives home Bunn’s ability to make us care about peripheral characters as much as his protagonist. I’m really enjoying this series and am looking forward to continuing with it.

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